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What to Know When You Buy HCG Online Without a Prescription

The Advantages of Buying Online

Ordering HCG online directly does save you a substantial amount of money, when you consider the time and costs involved in scheduling a doctor's appointment, lab tests and blood work and syringes. This can be avoided by ordering from an online source.

hcg diet

Usually, you can order HCG in an injectable form or as a homeopathic oral suspension that is taken under the tongue. Most people prefer the latter, as daily injections with needles can be rather uncomfortable – and even downright painful for some individuals.

The Dangers of Buying Online

Most HCG that is available online without a prescription is made in countries where quality controls and safety regulations are all but absent. You have no guarantees of what you might be getting, nor any assurance that you will even receive it.

Liquid HCG drops – the type that is taken orally – is manufactured in the United States. Although not approved for diet use in the U.S. (it is used medically for other purposes, and "off-label" use by medical professionals is a common practice.) Its manufacture is tightly regulated and is subject to quality and safety standards established by the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia. Unlike overseas operations, U.S. manufacturers must be licensed laboratories operated by qualified individuals.